Dinand is a legal assistant at AC&R. S Support Staff ProfileDinand is in his second year of his bachelor’s degree in law at the University of Amsterdam. Profile
People L Lawyer S Support Staff Support Lis Bedaux S Lawyer, Senior Associate Rutger de Beer L Lawyer, Partner Anne Bekema L Support Dinand Bontje S Lawyer, Partner Laura Broers L COO Loretta Dashorst S Lawyer, Partner Arnout Groen L Lawyer, Partner Jesse Hofhuis L Lawyer, Senior Associate Ron Lamme L Lawyer, Junior Associate Pieter Lichtendahl L Support Merel Nannes S Paralegal Emma Messemaeckers S Senior Associate Georgina Nühn L Lawyer, Junior Associate Willemijn Oskam L Lawyer, Associate Claire Pilaar L Lawyer, Associate Julie Visser L Get in touch. info@acr.amsterdam